The We Choose Campaign is a National, Multi-racial campaign rooted in building Power and building coalitions that are fighting for education and racial justice. The Coalition is demanding that local and federal government step up and address education equity through engaging communities as opposed to the failed experiment of school privatization. Coalition members seek a moratorium on school privatization, ending zero tolerance policies, state take-overs, appointed Mayoral school boards and eliminating over-reliance on standardized testing and the decline of teachers of color while promoting community schools, restorative justice with leadership development programs and developing a national equity assessment.
#WeChoose campaign includes: Network for Public Education, BadAss Teachers Association, Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools, The Advancement Project, the Education Justice Network, Alliance for Education, Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University, Dignity in Schools, Save Our Schools, Institute for Democratic Education in America and Journey for Justice Alliance, whose combined membership represents millions of Americans and together are joining forces to call.

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Meetings across the Country?
34 Town Hall National Town Hall Meetings in Washington, DC and Detroit, MICreated Statewide We Choose Coalitions in: New Jersey, Michigan, and Wisconsin Trended 7x on Twitter and FacebookTouched over 2 million people with our Messaging
Leaders have joined a national coalition comprising powerful education justice organizations launching a series of conversations across the country to focus attention on U.S. Education Secretary Betsy Devos' continued attempt to dismantle and corporatize America's public education system.
The failure of previous administrations to respect the voices of all Americans has set the tone for this perilous moment that we are in now. We reject a point of school boards. We reject zero tolerance policy is that criminalize our children. We reject mediocre corporate education interventions that are only except because of the race of the children served. We choose equity. We choose sanctuary cities for Muslims and all immigrants. We will organize local coalitions and alliances to build the power to realize this vision.