Open Letter to President-Elect Biden

Dear President-elect Biden, On behalf of the parents, students and community organizations that make up the Journey for Justice Alliance (J4J) in over 30 cities across the United States, we congratulate you on your historic election victory. Your incoming administration has an enormous opportunity to prioritize equity for Black, Brown, and Indigenous families to address […]


On The Ground Podcast

As Black people in the United States, every right that we have is a direct result of community organizing. Community organizing is the people directly impacted by an problem, strategizing and building power to win policy change or resources to improve their quality of life.  The ON THE GROUND podcast centers effective grassroots community organizers […]

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Equity Mandates for Public Education at the Local & State Level

America does everything but equity. Closes schools. Online charter schools. Zero tolerance policies to push out students. Creates a charter industry. Puts a positive media spin on mediocre corporate education interventions. Anything but equity. Equitable schools are spaces where inspiration happens. We call for a national equity assessment for public schools in the United States. […]

Detroit schools failed

Eliminate the Over-Reliance on Standardized Tests in Public Schools

J4J wants an end to punitive, high stakes standardized tests. Require districts to use tests for assessment only, with multiple assessment tools utilized to evaluate student growth and needs. Multiple studies have confirmed that standardized tests are an excellent indicator of one’s zip code, not their aptitude. In America, standardized tests have long been used […]